Manchester Sky Line

From £14.99

Double mounted framed in black

Pen and Ink drawing with watercolour. Manchester Skyline including Manchester Town Hall, central Library, Beetham Tower, The Principle, The Printworks and Manchester Cathedral.

Pen and Ink drawing with watercolour. Manchester Skyline including Manchester Town Hall, central Library, Beetham Tower, The Principle, The Printworks and Manchester Cathedral.

Additional information


Colour Print Black Frame 48 x35cm, B&W Print Black Frame 48 x35cm, Colour Print White Frame 48 x35cm, B&W Print White Frame 48 x35cm, Colour Print 40 x 26.5cm, Colour Print 50 x 33cm, B&W Print 40 x 26.5cm, B&W Print 50 x 33cm

Design by

Mat Pickles

Mat Pickles is an artist who uses pen, ink, watercolor and stencil techniques to create unique looking images.